
Meaning: Shoe(s) (Run) Fast, Legs (Usually of a woman)

Origin: Unknown


Use: Manze una teke noma sana?! = You have very good shoes! 2. Wame toka teke. = They've run away. Toka teke uende home.= Run home very fast. Toka teke uende home. = Run home very fast

Period: Late 80's, Mid 90's

Synonyms: Ndula Avunja Chuja Unyoya, Narua

Pronounciation: (Noun) [ teh-keh ]

Relate: Toja Ngepa Lebo Shotiko Mresh, Mlolo, Msuus, Msupa, Mamaa Nduthe, Hepeshwa, Vedi, Nganya,

Variations: -,

History: Derived from Swahili "TEKE" which means a Kick. Kicks on the other hand, is a Sheng word used to describe shoes - It's borrowed from US ebonics from Hip hop, Derived from the Swahili word TEKE which means a Kick..

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