
Meaning: Hundred (originally of money) Big

Origin: Unknown


Use: Niwahi so. = Give me a hundred shillings. Hii ndao ni so. = This mandazi is big.

Period: Unknown

Synonyms: Os Sokla Red Hando Ahando Bigi, Bwaku, Sodi

Pronounciation: (Noun) [ So ]

Relate: Money Brus, Samdhech

Variations: Soo

History: Derived from the English adverb "so" and related to things being "so big". Its use in denoting a hundred shillings stemmed from the fact that the for a long time, the largest denomination in Kenya was the 100 Shilling note. It was not until 1986 that the larger 200 shilling note was introduced. Contraction of the Sheng Word Sodi.

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