Word: Mariasa
Meaning: Ass / Booty
Word: Mungorio
Meaning: Mobile phone
Word: Mwaki
Meaning: Hot!
Word: Mudhama
Meaning: Mother
Word: Mude
Meaning: Girl
Word: Manyake
Meaning: 1. Chunks of meat 2. A woman (usually plus size)
Word: Murengo
Meaning: Short cut on a public service vehicle cue
Word: Anika
Meaning: Expose (as in a scandal or to out a person for the purposes of embarrassing them)
Word: Muja
Meaning: come
Word: Mukuchu
Meaning: Money, Cash
Word: Mutenguano
Meaning: Jest, Jibe, Jocular contest
Word: Murder
Meaning: Kill
Word: Vuvuzela
Meaning: 1. less conversation or baseless talk. 2. Loud noise 3. A loud air-horn fitted on a matatu 4. Figurative for penis/dick
Word: Maintain
Meaning: 1. Relax (usually at a spot) 2. Remain (at a place)
Word: Mukwanja
Meaning: Money
Word: kukunywa
Meaning: kuibiwa/kunyakua
Word: Mulami
Meaning: White man/woman
Word: Mzinga
Meaning: Alcohol (often used to mean Whiskey or Spirits)
Word: Mzii
Meaning: Bad person
Word: Mwaora
Meaning: To puke, vomit or throw up