Word: Odiro
Meaning: A Window
Word: Obriska
Meaning: Bhang, Ganja, Weed
Word: Pano
Meaning: Punishment
Word: Onyaso
Meaning: Short trousers
Word: Orako
Meaning: Practice (usually of a sport)
Word: Olaso
Meaning: A class (of a school session)
Word: Nyanye
Meaning: Grandmother
Word: Oboli
Meaning: Pregnant
Word: Os
Meaning: Hundred (usually of money)
Word: Pango. Pangani Girls School.
Meaning: The area in Nairobi, known as Pangani.
Word: Niso
Meaning: Nissan (usually a 14 seater matatu then later Shuttles for long distance travel)
Word: Nyapunya
Meaning: Vagina/Pussy
Word: Oton
Meaning: Stone
Word: P-Square
Meaning: Have sex with
Word: Oboho
Meaning: Bad boy, usually from Eastlands.
Word: Muhahe
Meaning: Gossip
Word: Punk
Meaning: Posh person, not ghetto, westernized
Word: Pero
Meaning: Parent
Word: Muenjoyo
Meaning: having fun
Word: Pokee
Meaning: A Pocket, Pocket Money