Word: Kushonde
Meaning: To excrete/defecate
Word: Kushow
Meaning: To tell
Word: Msengenyo
Meaning: Gossip
Word: Kumkufa
Meaning: To die for
Word: Kuririma
Meaning: Heavily drunk
Word: Kusosi
Meaning: To eat
Word: Nyanya
Meaning: Red eye
Word: Kutan
Meaning: To go back
Word: Kushuria
Meaning: To look good 2>to look beautifull 3>look smart
Word: Muok
Meaning: To come (over)
Word: Msus
Meaning: Girl - Dame (Musichana)
Word: Mbele
Meaning: Advanced (in knowledge - especially street smarts)
Word: Kutae
Meaning: Circumcised
Word: Kundias
Meaning: Terreble/Trouble/Problem
Word: Kunywaku
Meaning: 1. To drink 2. To enjoy 3. Fall in(can be in love or fallen in with the style of the way someone dresses or the way he or she sings and much more).
Word: Munguino
Word: Kutulia
Meaning: Relax
Word: Kuumia
Meaning: being hurt
Word: Kware
Meaning: Quarry
Word: Kuweka Box
Meaning: To corner a person - usually by enticing/cajoling