Word: Biz
Meaning: Business
Word: Bleki
Meaning: Blackout (usually after drinking) but can also be used with the connoation of tiredness
Word: Blunje
Meaning: Twenty shillings
Word: Bofulo
Meaning: Bread/Loaf
Word: Bogi Benda
Meaning: Habitual sot
Word: Muarabe
Meaning: An Arab
Word: Blackie
Meaning: 1>Black Mamba(A type of bicycle )2>Black (Mostly describing Africans)
Word: Boiro
Meaning: Boiled
Word: Blazed
Meaning: Drunk
Word: Blunt
Meaning: cannabis sativa
Word: Akajangori
Meaning: Get angry
Word: Ameparara
Meaning: He/she looks ugly
Word: Mtiche
Meaning: Teacher
Word: Boli
Meaning: ball
Word: Bop
Meaning: A thousand shillings
Word: Bouncer
Meaning: Weider
Word: Bonya
Meaning: Eat
Word: Bracelet
Meaning: Handcuffs
Word: Boss
Meaning: Guy
Word: Botte
Meaning: Bottle